Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Causes and Effect of Pollution in Our Environment Essay

INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the overview of the topic about the causes and effects of air pollution to our environment. The term air pollution is a mixture of natural and manmade substances in the air we breath such as fine particles produced by the burning of fossils fuel ground level ozone, which is a reactive form of oxygen that is a primary component of urban smog and noxious gases such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and chemical vapors. The health effects of air pollution have been reported in research studies over the past 30 years. These effects include respiratory diseases such as asthma, cardiovascular diseases changes in lung development in children. What pollutants affect air quality? A few air pollutants, called criteria air pollutants, are common throughout the United States. These pollutants can injure health, harm the environment and cause property damage. The current criteria pollutants are carbon monoxide, lead nitrogen oxide, ozone, particulate matter with aerodynamic size less than or equal to 10 micrometers, and sulfur dioxide. What are the causes of air pollution? There are many causes of air pollution examples of these are burning of plastics, vehicles, heavy factories and scattered garbage.  These research aims to give and share information and knowledge to the readers regarding to the topic. The purpose of conducting this research is to emphasize on how pollution affects are mankind and the environment. It will also help us to know more about pollution and how we can avoid and save our mother earth. And what are the causes and effects of air pollution. The objectives of these research is to understand the environment and its component to human life, it gives information about the cause and effects brought by the fast spreading of pollution, it also determine the sources of pollution. As the fast moving fluid medium in the environment the atmosphere has always been one of the convenient place to despise of unwanted materials. Ever  since we first used fire, the atmosphere has been a sink for waste disposal. Read more:  Essay About Haze CHAPTER II DISCUSSION I. INDOOR POLLUTION We have to spend a considerable of effort and money to control the major outdoor air pollutants but we have only recently become aware of the danger of indoor air pollutants. The EPA has formed that indoor concentration of toxic air pollutants are often higher than outdoor. Furthermore, people generally spend more time inside than out and therefore are exposed to higher closes of these pollutants. In some cases indoor air in home has chemical concentrations that would be illegal outside or when the workplace. Under some circumstances compounds and styrene can be seventy time higher indoor air than in outdoor in. II. POLLUTION CONTROL For dater stationary and mobile sources of air pollutants the most reasonable strategies for control have been to reduce, collect, capture or retain the pollutants before they enter the atmosphere. From an environmental view point, the reduction of emissions through energy efficiency and conservation measures, we disease pollutants control for selected air pollutants. A. POLLUTION CONTROL: PARTICULATES Particulates emitted from fugitive, point, or area stationary source are much easier to control than are the very small particulates of primary or secondary origin release from mobile sources, such as automobile. As you learn more about these very small particles, we will have to devise new methods to control them. Particulates from fugitive sources must be controlled or site so the wind does not blow them the atmosphere. Methods include protecting open areas controlling dust, and reducing the effects of wind. B. POLLUTION CONTROL: AUTOMOBILES Control the pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and hydro carbon in urban areas is but achieved through pollution control measures for  automobiles. Control of this material will also limit ozone formation in the lower atmosphere. Since ozone forms through reaction, with nitrogen oxide and hydrocarbons in the presence of sunlight. Nitrogen oxides from automobile exhaust are controlled by recirculation exhaust gas diluting the air to fuel mixture being burned in the engine. Delusion reduces the temperatures of combustion and decrease the oxygen concentration in the burning mixtures, resulting in the production of fewer nitrogen oxides. Unfortunately the same process increase hydrocarbons emissions. Nevertheless, exhaust the circulation the reduce nitrogen oxide emissions has been common practice in the United States for more than 20 years. C. POLLUTION CONTROL: SULFUR DIOXIDE Sulfur dioxide emissions can be reducing through basic measures performed before, during or after combustion. Technology to clean up coal so it will burn more cleanly is already available. Although the cause of removing sulfur mix fuel more expensive, the expense must be balanced against the long term consequences of burning sulfur- rich coal. Changing from high- sulfur coal low sulfur coal seems solution to reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide. In some regions, this change will work. Unfortunately most low sulfur coal in the United States is located in the Western part of the country, whereas, must coal is burn in the east. Thus, transportation is an issues use of low- sulfur coal is a solutions only in cases where it is economically feasible. III. GENERAL EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION The effects of air pollution on vegetation are numerous. They include damage to leaf tissue, needles and fruit reduction in growth rates are sufficient of growth, increase susceptibility to a variety of diseases, pests, and adverse weather and disruption of reproductive processes. Air pollutants is a significant factor in the human death rate for many large cities, for example, it has been estimated that in Athens, Greece, the number of death is several times higher on days when the air is heavenly  polluted and in Hungary, where are pollution has been a serious problem in recent years. Air pollution effects many aspects of our environment its visual qualities, vegetation, animals, soils, water quality, natural and artificial structures and human health. Air pollutants affects the visual resources by discoloring the atmosphere and by reducing visual range and atmospheric clarity so that the visual contrast of distant objects is decrease. IV. CLEAN AIR LEGISLATION The clean air act amendments of 1990 are comprehensive revelations enacted by the U.S congress that address acid rain, toxic emissions, ozone depletion, and automobile exhaust. In dealing with acid deposition, the amendments established limits of the maximum permissible emissions 0f sulfur dioxide from utility companies for new coil. The 1990 amendments also call for reduction emission of nitrogen dioxide by approximately 2 million from the 1980 level. Greater reduction would be difficult because large amount of nitrogen oxide emissions are related to automobiles, rather than to coal burning power plants. The clean air amendments also deal with ozone depletion in the stratosphere. The goal is to end the production of all CFC and other chlorine chemicals and steps by 2030. Environmentalist can also purchase these permits to keep them from being bought by utility companies, forcing the utility companies to use more vigorous pollution abatement techno. Buying of permits by environmentalist however, has not been a major factor. An innovative aspect of the legislation is to provide incentives to utility companies to reduced emissions of sulfur dioxide by providing marketable permits that allow companies to buy and sell the right to pollute. VII. SOURCES AND CAUSES Motor vehicle emissions are one of the leading causes of air pollution. China, United States, Russia, Mexico, and Japan are the world leaders in air pollution emissions, however, Canada is the number 2 country ranked per capita. Principal stationary pollution sources include chemical plants, coal fired power plants, oil refineries petro chemical plants nuclear waste  disposal activity, incinerators, large livestock forms, PVC factories, metals production factories, plastics, and other heavy industry. Some of the more common soil contaminations are chlorinated hydrocarbons heavy metals, MTBE, zinc, arsenic, and benzene. Ordinary municipal landfills are the sources of many chemical substances entering the soil environment emanating from the wide variety of refuse accepted especially substances illegally discarded there, are from pre- 1970 landfills that may have been subject to little control in the U.S or EU. There have also been some unusual releases of poly chlorinated dibenzodioxins, commonly called dioxins for simplicity such as TCDD. Pollution can also be the consequences of a natural disaster. For example, hurricanes often involve water contamination from sewage, and petrochemical spills from ruptured boats or automobiles. Larger scale and environmental damage is not uncommon when coastal oil rings or refineries are involved. Some sources of pollution such as nuclear power plants or oil tankers can produce widespread and potentially hazardous releases when accidents occur. In the case of noise pollution dominant source class in the motor vehicles producing abut ninety percent of all unwanted noise worldwide. A. HUMAN HEALTH Adverse air quality can kill many organism including human. Ozone pollution can cause respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, threat inflammation, chest pain, and congestion. Water pollution causes approximately 14,000 deaths per day, mostly due to contamination of drinking water by untreated sewage in developing countries. Oil spiles can cause skin irritation and rashes, Noise pollution induces hearing loss, high blood pressure, stress, and sleep disturbance. B. ECOSYSTEMS Sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen can cause acid rain which reduces the PH value of soil affect other organisms in the flood web. Smog and haze can reduce the amount of sunlight received by plants to carryout photosynthesis. Invasive species can out compete native species plants can contribute debris and biomlecules that can alter soil and chemical compositions of an  environment, often reducing native species competitiveness. Biomagnifications describes a situation where toxins may be pass through tropic levels, becoming exponentially more concentration in the process. C. OZONE Ozone is a gas. It can be good or bad depending on where it is â€Å"good† ozone occurs naturally about 10 to 30 miles above the earth surface. It shields us from the seems ultraviolet rays. Part of the god ozone layer is gone destroyed by manmade chemicals. Without enough god ozone, people may get too much ultraviolet radiation. This may increase the risk of skin cancer, cataracts and immune systems problems. â€Å"Bad† ozone is at ground level. It forms when pollutants from cars, factories, and other sources react chemically with sunlight. It is the main ingredient in smog. It is usually worst in the summer. Breathing lead ozone can be harmful causing throat irritation worsening of asthma, bronchitis and emphysema, and even permanent lung damage, if you are regularly exposed to it. VIII. OUTDOOR AIR POLLUTION: POSSIBLE HEALTH EFFECTS What symptom does air pollution cause? Air pollution can irritate the eyes, throat and lungs. Burning eyes cough and chest tightness are common with exposure to high levels of air pollution.  Different people can react very differently to air pollution. Some people may notice chest tightness are cough, while others may not noticed any effects. Because exercise requires faster deeper breathing, it may increase the symptoms. People with heart disease such as angina or with lung disease asthma or emphysema may be very sensitive to air pollution exposure, and may notice symptoms when others do not. CHAPTER III CONCLUSION This chapter presents the discussion entitled the causes and effects of air pollution to our environment.  Air pollution discussed treats pollution as a result of the rapids rise of the human populations and one of the causes of changes of the environment  which usually being about destruction of biotech communities. The causes and effect of air pollution in our environment cannot be abolish if only the people abuse and neglect the significance of environment and the community.  So, I therefore conclude that the cause and effect of air pollution to our environment can avoided if we make proper used in the environment in the importance and cleanliness of this and needed of human life. In setting standards to protect public health from the effect of air pollutants the concept of their holds may not be useful because certain population groups are very sensitive and effects and detected even at low levels. To enable the development of effective risk reduction strategies based on qualitative and quantitative knowledge, further data analysis and more comprehensive monitoring is recommended. In addition to the pollutants discussed in this study, other aspects of air pollution should also be addressed in the development of air pollution policy in Europe. These include air pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, persistent organic pollutants, certain metals, certain volatile organic compounds, and nitrogen trichloride. The combined effects of the urban air pollution mix also an important issue that remains unresolved. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bolkin B. Principle of Environment Science Inquiry and Application 2nd Ed. Boston: mc Graw-Hill 2004 Cunningham M. Environmental Science Earth as a Living Planet. John Wiley and Sons. Inc. 2005 James S. Earth Science; World Worth, Publication Co. C1998 Kurt F. Annual Edition: Social Problem; Mc Graw- Hill/ Duskin C2003 Oledan T. The Case for Pollution Prevention, Environment and the Law. Vol. VI No. 9 March 2007 Saspa J.P. Environment. Poison in the Air Free Press Vol. XCIV No. 3 January 18,2002 Schaeter T. Sociology -9th Ed. Boston; Mc Graw –Hill Int’l. C2005 Smitch L. Environmental Geology – 6th Ed. Boston: Mc Graw – Hill C2003 Soriano L. Save Mother Earth. Environmental Science Manila: Phoenix Publication: C1995 Thomas M. Elements of Ecology -14th Ed. Addition Wesley Longman Inc. C2002

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Technology and Communication

We know that communication is important in every part of our lives and technology is forever changing the different ways we are able to communicate. Because technology is continuously being advanced the way people communicate in the criminal justice system must evolve to keep up with the current trends. It is important that we keep up with the changing technology in regards to communication because effective communication is the direct result of a successful investigation. The communication capabilities of specialized data bases within the criminal justice system have been affected in a huge way by technology. Some of the current technologies used in the criminal justice system today are mobile data terminals, automated fingerprint identification system (AFIS), live scan, facial recognition, and iris scan. The two modern technologies that will be discussed are the automated fingerprint identification system and facial recognition. The positive and negative effects of AFIS and facial recognition will also be discussed. Fingerprints and facial characteristics have been used by the criminal justice system to indentify criminals for several years. The patterns found on a person’s fingers and unique features found on their face have several distinguishing characteristics that separate them from the rest of society. These two systems, though effective have been known to take hours or even days to come up with results. Because time is so valuable to the criminal justice system these comparisons need to be done expeditiously because in many cases the time it has taken to match a set of fingerprints to a single person has been the difference between life and death for the accused. Modern technology has helped in a huge way to speed up this comparison process and has resulted in the setting free of wrongly accused persons and the locking away of the guilty party. Let’s break these two systems down starting with AFIS. AFIS is basically a database where mass amounts of fingerprint images have been stored after being collected from several different sources. There are two different types of sources, known and unknown. Known sources are fingerprints that have been collected from law offenders, military personnel, police officers, banks, and more. These fingerprints are normally collected when a person is hired by a company or agency that requires a background check as a part of the hiring process. The most common unknown source is those prints collected at a crime scene to be compared with known samples, also known as latent prints. Each set of fingerprints have their own distinct patterns which are determined by a technician that enters them into the database. â€Å"Each fingerprint image is ‘filed’ based on its pattern type. † (Ridges and Furrows. 2004. Par. ) By doing this it speeds up the process because it helps to eliminate all the prints that do not have a similar pattern type in comparison to the sample. Once the matches are made using the database they are reviewed one more time doing it manually and if a match is made those prints are used to identify individuals. It is very important that the matches found by the computer database are manually reviewed to ensure an exact match. Facial recognitio n is also a very important aspect of communication in the criminal justice system. Facial recognition is known as â€Å"the automatic recognition of a person using distinguishing traits. † (Woodward et al. 2003. P. 1) Criminal justice professionals load photographs into computers and use these photographs to compare facial characteristics in an effort to make potential matches. There are also those who have acquired the talent of creating sketches of suspects from a description given by a witness. These sketches are then used in place of a photograph to obtain a positive match. The first step in this process is to capture the image either by camera or sketches. The second and third steps are to identify the face seen in the image and extract several features to create a template that can be used to make a match. The fourth step is to take the templates and make comparisons that will eventually lead to potential matches. There are several features found on and or around the face that make it possible to make a positive match. Some of these features are likely to change and others are not. Those features that are not likely to change are scars, moles, burns, and bone structure. There are also those features that could possibly change, one of which is tattoos. The only real similarity between the use of facial recognition and finger prints is that they must be manually compared to obtain the highest percentage of accuracy. Using both the database and the naked eye will eliminate all chances of misreading the results in most cases. As beneficial as these new technologies are there are always positive and negative effects to everything in life. The biggest positive effect that AFIS and Facial Recognition have on the criminal justice system is that they save large amounts of time during an investigation. Technicians are able to save large amounts of information to these databases so that when they process a search for comparison the computer does most of the work by eliminating all of the samples that are far from being the correct match and leaving only those samples that could possibly be the correct one. These databases also reduce the amount of human error that can occur when trying to make a match. The job of operating these databases can be extremely stressful and technicians tend to get rushed as a result of this stress and overlook things that may have lead to the result they were looking for to begin with. Now let’s go into the negative effects of these technologies. We know that as humans we are imperfect and anything created by humans has the potential to fail at any given time. It is also widely known that computers and servers use large amounts of electricity and have the potential to heat up very fast. If these data bases exceed the allowed temperature at any given time they will go down and this will result in the slowing down of any investigation that may be going on at the time. Another negative is the fact that these databases do not come with all of the information already installed. Uploading all of the samples takes a substantial amount of time and use of funds that could be used for the completion of other very important tasks. One last negative is the fact that these systems not only cost money to buy and operate, but people must be trained and paid to keep these databases up and running at all times so that progress does not stop in any form. Having well trained technicians is the most efficient way avoids having to deal with any of these negative effects. If the decision had to be made as to which one of these two databases contained the most reliability it would have to be the automated fingerprint identification system. I say this because we know that there are other technologies out in the world that can be used to make those technologies used by criminal justice professionals less effective. The technology that is being referred to is plastic surgery. It is possible for a person to have their facial features altered in such a way that they cannot be identified as who they truly are through the use of facial recognition databases. As for fingerprints, the only way that they can be altered is if a person were cut or burned so badly that scaring resulted. There have been several attempts by people over the years to erase their fingerprints, but these attempts have been unsuccessful. Fingerprinting has also been around a lot longer than facial recognition and has been proven to be more accurate than facial recognition. As we know technology is always changing as technicians find new ways to improve the systems that these databases run on. As technology improves the accuracy of AFIS, Facial Recognition, live scan, iris scan, and mobile data terminals will also improve. One thing to remember is that information must be manually uploaded into these databases so that they can be saved for current or future use. Another thing to remember is that when a potential match is made by using any of the before mentioned databases they must also be manually checked for accuracy. The reason for this is that the odds of two people having identical features is very low which means that results are not guaranteed to be perfect. The best way for agencies to ensure that these databases are used to their full potential is to continually train their technicians on the latest technology and keep the databases current. References Ridges and Furrows. (2004, April 15). Ridges and Furrows – AFIS Page. Retrieved April 5, 2010, from Woodward, J., Horn, C., Gatune, J., & Thomas, A. (2003). Biometrics: A Look at Facial Recognition. Retrieved April 5, 2010, from Hayeslip, D. (2008, February 1). Evaluability Assessment of Mobile Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS). Retrieved April 5, 2010, from Lennard, C. J.  ().  The Thin Blue LIne.  Retrieved from

Monday, July 29, 2019

What SAT IIs Should You Take if Youre Undecided?

You may think that if you’re undecided about your major, then it’s not worth taking SAT IIs. After all, your regular SAT score is already an indicator of your academic potential, so why prove your mastery in a specialized subject? However, by taking a diverse combination of SAT IIs, undecided students can demonstrate their versatility and show that they can handle the challenge of a college course load. Not only that, but your performance on the SAT IIs might clue you in to one of your strengths, so that you can narrow down the types of majors you’re looking at. In general, we recommend that you take SAT IIs that play to your strengths, while choosing SAT IIs from a variety of areas to show that you could do well in any major. Here’s what you need to know to decide on SAT IIs to take. SAT IIs, also known as SAT Subject tests, are a set of standardized tests that cover subjects commonly covered in high school. They’re divided in five general categories: Every SAT II is a multiple choice test that takes about an hour to complete, and students earn scores between 200 to 800. As you probably guessed, 800 is the highest score you can achieve, so that’s the score to aim for! SAT IIs are offered on the same days and often the same locations as the SAT. While you can take up to three SAT IIs on the same day, you can’t take both the SAT and an SAT II. For more information about when the SAT IIs are offered, check out our post SAT Subject Test Dates and Deadlines for 2018-2019 . While some colleges require SAT IIs, most only recommend these tests. Many top schools consider SAT II scores in addition to the rest of your academic profile, so SAT IIs can help you stand out from other college applicants and demonstrate your academic strength in specific subjects not covered on the SAT. For many students, SAT IIs show that they’re ready for their intended major, but since you’re undecided, you’ll want to go for a broad range of subjects and take a few different SAT IIs to show that you’re ready for any major. Some schools may use SAT IIs for particular applicants or use them outside of their general admissions. For example, some schools might place you in higher-level courses based on your SAT II scores, so you can take more interesting, specialized classes offered to upperclassmen. Many schools also ask that international, bilingual/ESL students, and homeschooled students take SAT IIs to show that their education was on par with a U.S. high school education and that they’re ready for college. Your ultimate goal is to maximize flexibility; colleges need to be convinced that you will be successful regardless of the major you choose. You’ll need to plan which tests to take in coordination with satisfying college admissions requirements, so be sure to do some research about the schools you’re interested in and what, if any SAT IIs they require. Here are some examples: Always make sure that you’re satisfying the admissions requirements first before you apply any of the advice below. We recommend that you take 3 tests in a range of subjects to show your versatility, such as one math, one science, and one humanities. However, if you’re having trouble scoring well across multiple categories, then this could be a sign that your major should hone in on the type of test you did well on, such as STEM or humanities. Many schools offer options such as undecided—sciences or undecided—arts as a way for students to indicate this preference without forcing you to commit to a single major. Our Early Advising Program helps students in 9th and 10th grade discover their passions and build strong academic and extracurricular profiles to succeed in high school. One strategy is to look at the five top-level categories of SAT II and pick a test from three different categories. We encourage you to choose one math, one science, and one humanities, but the most important thing is to choose subjects you feel strong in. Your past academic performance might indicate whether that’s a subject test you should take or not. For the humanities, choose the one (or two) categories you’re strongest in. For Math, choose either Level 1 or Level 2—there’s no advantage to taking both. In general, Level 1 covers more â€Å"basic† high school math, and is appropriate if you’ve had at least two years of algebra and one year of geometry. If you have two years of algebra and one year of geometry and have taken Trig or PreCalc, then you may want to take Level 2. We covered this in more detail in our post Which SAT II Math Should You Take? For Science, choose the subject that you have taken or excelled in during high school . You can choose from Physics, Chemistry, Biology E or Biology M. We probably don’t need to explain Physics or Chemistry, but here’s the difference between Biology E and M: Because you’re undecided, you have a little more room to choose SAT IIs based on your preferences. If you need more help deciding, you can also find free practice resources for every SAT II at College Board . Trying sample tests is one of the best ways to determine if a test is good fit for you. Although we recommend that you take one science, one math, and one humanities SAT II, nothing replaces doing your own research into programs you’re interested in. Make sure to follow the information on the admissions website to the letter, and if you’re ever unsure about something on the admissions website, don’t be afraid to contact that school directly for clarification. The best way to prepare for the SAT IIs is to take challenging courses in high school. These tests evaluate how well you learned from your classes in high school, so by pushing yourself to do well in all of your classes you can demonstrate your academic readiness for college. If you want personalized guidance about what tests you need to take in high school, then our Mentorship Program might be the right fit for you. We pair high school students with trained mentors from top colleges to help you build a roadmap and keep you on track. Find out if our Mentorship Program is right for you! For more posts about preparing for college, check out: We'll send valuable information to help you strengthen your profile and get ready for college admissions.

The Middle East in World Affairs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Middle East in World Affairs - Research Paper Example On the other hand, the increased freedom of movement present a number of challenges most of which have stifled the growth and development of most of the countries in the Arab region key among which include. The increased infiltration of organized terror groups, the Al-Qaida the most feared terror organization in the world managed to increase its membership in most countries within the Arab continent thereby presenting a major security threat to most of the Arab countries. This has made most of these countries un-governable making them more susceptible for foreign influence. Such terror gangs took over major businesses in the country thereby having exclusive control of the economy (SalameÃŒ  43). This has stifled the economic growth in the region besides spoiling the diplomatic relations between most Arab countries and most of the western countries that feel threatened by the increased terrorist activity in the Arab peninsula. Seclusion of the Arab culture, the increased interaction within he Arab community resulted in the development of more cohesive community that did not necessarily require foreign influence from either the west or other eastern countries. The Arab communities therefore limited their interaction to themselves thus fostering the development of the Islamic culture in the region. The countries have Islamic legal mechanisms while the markets have Islamic economic legislation thereby making it extremely difficult for other more liberal cultures and enterprises to thrive in the regions. Most of the Arab countries have oil as the only natural resource; fortunately, the oil is in sustaining quantities and most of them survive in proceeds from oil alone. However, instead of having prosperous economies, the countries face economic and security challenges all arising from the trade in oil.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Apple Computers Marketing Channels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Apple Computers Marketing Channels - Essay Example (Owen, 2004) Management: Along with this an effective management is also required for the development and also for the training of employees in order to have a continue innovation of all the products of Apple for maintaining and retaining sufficient amount of funds, whenever other competitors are introducing new products. Demographic patterns: Females and males from the age level of 12 years and above will be always in a favor of Apple's product due to its all the new innovations, which are able to perform and also to avoid all those facilities, which would greatly appeal them. Overseas influence: The break down of all the barriers, which are in between those countries, which also increase the sales level of all the products of Apple along with this, it would also make people aware from their products. All the products of Apple are currently in the growing stage, with the help of which more and more people are becoming aware from their products and also purchasing their products, and with the help of this the demand is increasing day by day. On the other hand the sales are also growing very fast and profits are also rising very quickly, however apart from this the competitions is also increasing as the competitors are very much cognizant of all the tactics of all the product of Apple. Apple computer, Inc is known a... om the age level of 12 years and above will be always in a favor of Apple's product due to its all the new innovations, which are able to perform and also to avoid all those facilities, which would greatly appeal them. Overseas influence: The break down of all the barriers, which are in between those countries, which also increase the sales level of all the products of Apple along with this, it would also make people aware from their products. 2. PRODUCT ANALYSIS: All the products of Apple are currently in the growing stage, with the help of which more and more people are becoming aware from their products and also purchasing their products, and with the help of this the demand is increasing day by day. On the other hand the sales are also growing very fast and profits are also rising very quickly, however apart from this the competitions is also increasing as the competitors are very much cognizant of all the tactics of all the product of Apple. During this innovative stage, there are also many opportunities in order to have wider distribution; with the help of this the sales will be higher and higher. ASSUMPTIONS Apple computer, Inc is known as one of the greatest leader in the world of personal computers (pc) until its cloned IBM pc gained popularity. The market share of Apple slipped in spite of the gained popularity of its MAC great range of computers, which were no doubt sold with the help of all authorized retailers and resellers. In order to regain the market share of Apple, it started selling their products online in 1997 and also with the help of all the company owned retail stores. (Glen, 2006) CORE PROBLEM The core problem of this company is that despite the marketing channels which very truly tells punters that the Cupertino has one of the best quality

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Business research proposal on engaging business and people Paper

Business proposal on engaging business and people - Research Paper Example Customer Satisfaction 11 – 12 V. Hypotheses 12 – 12 VI. Analysis of the Variable 12 – 12 VII. Research Methodology 14 – 14 A. Population/Sample Size/Data Collection 14 – 14 1. Population 14 – 14 2. Sample Size/Participants 14 – 15 3. Data Collection Method 15 – 15 4. Data Analysis 15 – 15 VIII. Limitations of the Study 15 – 16 IX. Resources 16 – 16 Proposal for a Research Paper on Etisalat, UAE I. Synopsis of the Company: Emirates Telecommunication Corporation (Etisalat) is the leading telecommunications corporation in the Middle East, with its headquarters in Abu Dhabi, UAE, and also the â€Å"largest operator the Middle East and Africa regions† (Company Profile par.2). The company caters to consumers, telecommunication companies, internet service providers, content providers as well as mobile operators and boasts of a market value of over â€Å"AED 80 billion (US$ 20 billion)† and their annua l revenues account for â€Å"AED 30 billion (US$ 8 billion)† (par.2). The company is involved in operations in 18 countries spread across Asian, African and Middle East regions with a coverage of over â€Å"140 million subscribers† (par.3). The company has received several accolades at national as well as international levels in recognition of their excellent customer service and support. Etisalat aligns innovative technology in their products and services to derive maximum customer service satisfaction and always strives to provide their consumers as well as the other stakeholders with updated technological support. The company, keeping its promise to customers has launched nano-SIM cards in the UAE market to support iPhone-5 compatibility, with a plan for offering â€Å"new equipment to customers allowing them to choose from a wide range† (Etisalat Launches the nano-SIM cards in UAE markets Starting 1st October 2012 par.3). Thus Etisalat has a proper appreciat ion of the customers’ needs and wants and provide them with up to date technology and multiple to choose from tailor made options that fit the needs of each segment. Overall, the company has been successful in understanding the customers’ needs and promptly responding to them in terms of innovative products that match their requirements and facilitating prompt after sales services. Thus, the company has sustained its track record of apt customer support and thereby ensured their full satisfaction. The company’s Annual Report for the year ending 31-12-2010 indicates that they have had to confront several challenges due to the radical shifts in the global business scenario but it appears that Etisalat has taken the situation in good stride and the changes â€Å"prepared (them) to operate in a new environment under diverse circumstances† rather than create blockades in their path to progress (Engaging Business People 3). Thus, it transpires that through effe ctive corporate management strategies, the company has acquired the required level of performance efficiency that enables them to not only sustain but also surpass competition. II. Research Proposal Purpose of the Study: Founded during 1976, Etisalat has pursued a distinct strategy of focusing on long term objectives as can be evidenced from their establishing the Etisalat University College in 1989 to â€Å"create a talent pool of engineers to drive its future growth† (History – Milestones). The intervening span of time from 1991-1999 has seen the company tapping the full potential of emerging technologies such as wireless

Friday, July 26, 2019

Product development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Product development - Essay Example 1) He may look for large and growing markets with real buyer needs. For example, the artist specialization is contemporary drawing that is very popular nowadays. The artist can make an accent on the fact that contemporary art market is growing and having even a small market share he would have a lot of customers because the market itself is big enough and flourishing. Insignificant point of difference is a vital factor of new-product failures. Moreover, superior characteristics of the product must be valuable for the customer to switch from another one. In general, the major sources of product differentiation are: quality (often related to price), usability and design, promotion methods, differences in availability (e.g. timing and location). According to these factors the products of art can differ from competitors on a basis of price: more expensive paintings would be perceived as more unique; due to aesthetic considerations; positioning: for example, â€Å"perfect present for the grand-father† or â€Å" do you want to be a modern person – buy only contemporary pieces of art work† and so on; place where the art is sold: underground den or luxurious gallery. Brand has a direct connection with a business growth. There are two ways how a brand can impact growth: negative and positive. For example, if the artist has a well-known and respectful brand of his â€Å"product line† his new pictures would be wiped off the shelves despite the fact that there may be not the best bets on the market. On the other hand, the artist may create something incredible but his brand would not be recognizable and his painting would gather dust on shelves. The more important thing is how exactly to measure the brand impact on the business. Sam Miller (Par. 8) offers: During the marketing of the art competitor-oriented, cost-oriented and demand-oriented pricing approaches might be utilized. If the artist is recently graduated and up and coming the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Successful Aging Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Successful Aging - Term Paper Example However, there is a positive side to growing old, or aging. As people age, particularly adults, they decline in mobility, cognition and senses at paces that vary from person to person, thus, to ensure that people age successfully, there is a need to reduce the rate of decline or even curb it completely. This is to ensure that they do not become functionless and maintain their independence from second and third party caretakers (Tyrer et al, 2). Mobility issues are common in aging people because they lose balance and suffer reduced functionality in basic of tasks such as locking and unlocking doors. As a result, they become more prone to risks of falling and common mobility accidents. These falls often lead to death as they rank high among the most common causes of death for elderly people (Tyrer et al, 2). In addition, cognitive processes suffer impairment in regard to recalling instructions and following complex ideas, as well as solving problems. However, to overcome all these challenges, various measures exist to ensure that people grow old gracefully. Successful aging is known to be associated with one’s religious beliefs, social relationships, perceived health, self-efficacy, socio-economic status and coping skills (Galligan 1). Having religious beliefs and participating actively in religious activities is one of the ways to age successfully. This is because religiosity in the aging process allows the elderly to cope better as compared to nonreligious ones. In the process, it aids in overcoming emotional and physical problems through which the elderly may be experiencing (Galligan 1). Moreover, active participation in religious issues prevents most manners of depression as it puts people of similar interests in a position to share ideas and problems. As a result, it eradicates feelings of hopelessness due to the reality of age dawning on them. Moreover, this religiosity promotes the development of positive emotions , which, in

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Final paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Final - Research Paper Example Though the law enforcement officials have tried their best to set forth strict regulations and norms but the crime rate in this particular city is considered to be five times higher in comparison to national average as per 2005 statistics. According to CQ Press’s City Crime Rankings, Indianapolis was rated 33rd as the most dangerous city. The rate of crime has increased dramatically in this city and there are around 52.2 per 100,000 forcible rapes taking place in the city. This study would not only deal with the homicide cases that are prevalent in Indianapolis but would also highlight other criminal cases which is taking place in the famous city. The major aim of this research study is to outline certain policies which would prevent such criminal instances that are violating the overall environment of Indianapolis. This study would be conducted from the perspective of a criminologist serving for the Task Force which has been framed by the Mayor of the city so as to reduce the rate of violence witnessed by the city. On the other hand the research study will also reveal the potential causes for the violence and the trend of violence so as to formulate appropriate policies for violence reduction. The study would encompass a critical analysis of the increasing trend of violence in Indianapolis. The research aim and objectives form the basis on which the entire study is conducted. This study would be based on behavioral analysis of the increasing violence which is taking place in Indianapolis. The major aim of the study is to analyze the various forms of crimes occurring in the city and to set forth policies in order to reduce the rate of violence. The objectives of the research study are: The research question for the study would be – â€Å"what are the potential causes behind such rising criminal cases in Indianapolis and what can be the most appropriate policies in order to reduce such

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Art and Antiques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Art and Antiques - Essay Example (MTI, 2005) The modern art market in the UK equals to 26% of the world market, and 50% of the European markets. Modern art includes the works dating since the middle of the 2oth century until the present time. It is notable, that with the changes of the surrounding in which we live, with changing quality and inner style of art, it is also becoming more marketing and some critics even state that modern artists work depending on the marketing conjuncture and the needs and demand at the market; moreover, with the development of media the popularity of selling art through Internet and online auctions acquires new meaning and can soon become the principal means of selling modern art all over the world. The demand for modern art, as well as the prices and revenues tend to go along with the economic cycles; moreover, through the periods of economic recession art appears to be one of the most vulnerable areas and is seriously damaged by financial losses and low demand. As it has been said, the main aim of the work is to conclude, whether the modern art in the market is an attractive object of investment; this is why it should be noted that art was always viewed as the means of investing finances, its profitability is much similar to that of the stock market. (Moore, 2004) Since much art and antiques are viewed as an investment, the art market index correlates approximately with that of the stock market; however, a healthy stock market and higher interest rates also attract capital away from alternative investments. This is because stocks and cash savings produce dividends and returns that are more attractive, when the stock market is buoyant and interest rates high, than the capital exchange value of art and antiques.' (Moore, 2004) It is notable, that recent years have become a landmark in the demand for modern British art - it was constantly growing. The works of art produced through the period of 1920 to 1980 (the period which is supposed to be contemporary) are selling well, and all styles of modern art from conservative realism to post-war abstraction are equally demanded. In order to understand the reason for the positive changes in the UK modern art market and to discuss the principal distribution channels about it, it is worth looking into the depth of the modern art market in the country. International art movements were traditionally much more popular than modern British art, making it come back to the background of the European art market and thus losing its popularity. 'The British have always been peculiarly apologetic about their hometown talents, preferring instead to extort the virtues of their European and American counterparts.' (Woolmer, 2004) Only the recent ten years have become the note of the shift towards the attitudes in the British modern art and the Cork street is now becoming the principal distribution channel, earning serious profits on promoting British art, though only now the British masterpieces start to catch up with the European works of the same level in financial estimates. British art has always been noted to be 'underpriced' and only now the prices for the works of British modern art start to reach the level of their quality. For example, the gentle oil of Sennen Cove by Laura Knight was the real stir at

Theoretical perspective of present study as related to literature Essay Example for Free

Theoretical perspective of present study as related to literature Essay The present study presents a qualitative approach to determining whether the block schedule is advantageous to school systems. As the above literature review indicates, current studies are inconclusive as to whether or not block scheduling leads to an increase in test scores. This study will look at additional factors of the block scheduling system in order to determine if block schedule can produce positive academic outcomes directly or indirectly. Rationale for Present Study. While the literature as a whole provides only statistically insignificant support using test scores as determinants for the academic merit of block scheduling, other variables have not been the focus of these studies. These variables include attitudes of principals, teachers, parents and students, school climate, utilization of alternative teaching methods and other less tangible outcomes. Specifically, block scheduling often results in better nonacademic outcomes (e. g., positive class climate and enhanced instructional opportunities) than does traditional scheduling. Thus, the findings from the present study that students in block scheduling perform academically as well as or slightly better than students in traditional scheduling supports the implementation of block scheduling in high school settings. However, if the only goal of adopting a block scheduling program is to improve short-term student test scores, then the literature and this study are less enthusiastic (Lewis, Dugan, Winokur, and Cobb, 2005). In addition to academic advantages, some teachers claim school climate and discipline has improved as teachers spend more time with each other (O’Neil, 1995; Short and Thayer, 1998). Summary Oftentimes, test scores do not tell the whole story. Schools with block scheduling may see increased achievement in places they least expected. Over time, these results might translate into the academic achievement that remains ambiguous at present. Introduction . The results of this study could potentially add to the body of knowledge regarding the strengths and advantages of block scheduling versus traditional scheduling. It is incredibly short-sighted to view test scores as the only indicator of improved academic achievement. As the studies above indicate, test scores are inconclusive in determining whether block scheduling is effective. However, there are two flaws here. First, only one study took into effect the factor of time on block schedule when conducting its research. This time factor gives the schools system time to settle in to and to perfect its system. Second, the studies seem to ignore other variables which can contribute to academic achievement and performance. According to Magdol, (1992), the factors that contribute to academic achievement fall into the following groups: â€Å"Individual, Family, Peer, School, Work and Community. The school factors she isolates are Alienated Teachers, Inflexible Curricula, Lack of Counseling Services for At-Risk Students, School Transitions, Weak Administrative Support, Large School District, Large School, Low Participation in Extracurricular Activities, Negative School Climate and Uninvolved Parents† (Magdol, 1992). Design of Study This study will examine two high schools, one which uses block scheduling and one which uses traditional scheduling. Students, teachers, teachers and administrators will be surveyed as to discipline issues, attendance and scores on the GHSGT in order to determine if any trends evolve that correlate with these variables. Then an analysis of the advantages of block or traditional scheduling within these schools can be made. Sample and Site The block scheduled school used in this study is Upson-Lee High School in Thomason, Georgia. The traditionally scheduled school used in this study is Spalding High school in Griffin, Georgia. Students who have completed their eleventh grade year and who have taken the social studies component of the GHGGT will be used as the sample group.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Executive Branch Essay Example for Free

Executive Branch Essay The executive branch is the most powerful branch of government. The executive branch makes the president commander in chief. It also gives the president the role of economic leader. And he/she can also make executive orders that have the force of law. These are just some of the many roles that make the executive branch the most powerful branch of government. When the president has the role of commander in chief he/she is given the power to use force to back up our foreign policy. They are in charge of the army, navy, air force, marines, and the coast guard. The top commanders of all of these branches of service are subordinate to the president. The president is also our economic leader. He/She deals with unemployment, rising prices, high taxes and more. When voted into office the president is expected to care of these issues. One key task the president must accomplish each year is to plan the federal government’s budget too. Last but not least, the president has the role of chief executive. He can make an executive order, which has the force of law. During his presidency, Harry S. Truman had to use an executive order in 1948 to integrate armed forces. The president also has the power to grant pardons. A pardon is a declaration of forgiveness and freedom from punishment. The president has many roles to help keep our country in order. From commander in chief, economic leader, and chief executive he/she helps everything run as smoothly as possible. The executive branch is by far the most powerful branch of government, because it helps keep our country out of trouble and copasetic.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Natural Antioxidant in Anti-Aging Skin Care

Natural Antioxidant in Anti-Aging Skin Care Abstract It has been shown that natural antioxidants are main ingredient of anti-aging skin care products. More and more people pay more attention on appearance of skin condition, and try to slow down the aging process as late as we can, and avoid the fines and wrinkles. In order to achieve this aim, natural oxidants become much important than any other time, it has been widely apply to anti-aging skin care products. Antioxidants are a reducing agent which can remove free radical damage and reduce the damage oxidative. This review lists several popular and practicality antioxidants which already have been used for some large cosmetic company. And then reviews the properties of each antioxidant and analyze the activity of antioxidants. The main aim of the report is to introduce how antioxidants work in anti-aging skin care products and the relationship between antioxidants and the free radicals. Free radicals can attack molecules and result in cell damage, which may consequently cause skin aging. Antioxidants have the ability to neutralize free radicals and prevent such damage. This is the reason why antioxidants are used as a component in anti-aging skin care products. The list of known common antioxidants includes, lycopene, vitamin E, catechol and lithospermum erythrorhizon, to name a few. A large amount of food and herbs such as ginseng, acai berry, Amaranthus and Chenopodium Quinoa are also known for their antioxidant properties. The antioxidants mentioned above are all effective in combating free radicals, but in furture product design, compound antioxidants are often considered in order to achieve greater effectiveness Introduction How skin ages As we age, there are fine lines and wrinkles appear to our face and any other signs of aging. There are two main reasons for this, first reason is called internal aging which cause by genes, and the other reason is called external aging which cause by the sun damage (UVA UVB) and environmental pollution. By knowing why skin age can help to understand how anti-aging skin care apply to skin and analyze the ingredient for skin antioxidants. Skin aging start in mid 20s, the metabolism of skin begins to slow slightly, the dead cells do not replace as fast as before and the production of collagen becomes slower. At this point, the Sun rays (UVA and UVB) are the main reason causing skin aging and skin damage, which they will break sown the collagen and elastin. At the mid 30s, the first fine lines and premature wrinkles appear under the eyes or across the forehead. The skin starts to lose its elasticity and firmness. And sun damage is still the main reason causing the wrinkles, age spots and rough skin. Actually the dermatologists define the word photoaging which describe the particular type of aging caused by the ultraviolet (UV) exposure. The sign of photoaging is usually express fine wrinkles, freckles, spider veins, age spots and blotchiness. At this point, the antioxidant is necessary for the skin to prevent free radicals damage. And anti-aging products start to be needed. At the age of mid 40s and beyond, skin aging and wrinkles are inevitable. Apart from sun damage, there are a number of other elements that may contribute to skin aging. First of all, gravity plays an important role in skin aging and the effect becomes evident at middle-age: eyelids start to drop, tip of the nose show small degrees of falling, earlobe become longer and jowls begin to form [1]. Secondly, facial expressions also forms the fine lines, after years of repetitive facial movements, laugh lines, worry lines, nasolabial folds and crows feet at the corners of the eyes. Also sleeping positions also brings the wrinkle in the skin, which called sleep lines. Last but not least cigarette smoking causing the biochemistry changes inside the body which it will accelerate the aging process. Theory of aging what is a free radical? As previously discussed, aging is an inescapable process for people. Despite its inevitability, however, what we can do is try to find a way to slow down the aging process. Logically, this rationale first leads us to the theory of aging. In 1954, Dr Denham Harmon brought forward the free radical theory of aging (FRTA), claiming the ubiquitous involvement of free radicals in inherent metabolic reaction [2]. The genetics and environmental is the main points for the aging. The FRTA postulates that the common aging process is the initiation of free radical reactions (FRRs). As the body and organs metabolism, a few oxygen molecules were removed and the reactive molecules called the free radicals. When a normal molecule is attacked a free radical, it will become a free radical itself, which is capable of attacking other molecules. This chain reaction, if not stopped, will lead to accumulating damage and ultimately cause cell destruction. Free radicals are also caused by ultraviolet rays (U VA and UVB) in sunlight. When the free radicals move freely, they are destructive and causing the oxidative stress. The oxidative stress leads the premature aging, such as dry skin and wrinkles. Overall, there are several external stress factors, UV radiation, smoke, pollution, urban stress, etc. Dr. Denham Harmon has a clear point that the effect of oxidative stress can be reversed with the antioxidants, and he shows how antioxidants work in laboratory animals. Antioxidants can neutralize the free radicals without become free radicals themselves. By neutralize the free radicals, the cellular damage will be prevented. And the oxidative stress damage can cause biological organisms to age, and the free radicals can also cause damage of collagen in the skin. As we known, collagen is an important structure of the skin. Natural Antioxidants Antioxidant is a molecule that can slow and prevent the oxidation of other molecules, which show that it remove free radical damage from skin and help to slow down aging skin. Therefore antioxidants are considered reducing agents and reduce the damage oxidative process in skin cells. Natural antioxidants are a wider variety selection and much safer and healthier than artificial antioxidants, therefore natural antioxidants will be discussed. There are literally hundreds of brilliant natural antioxidants in the world, but there is no single miracle cure for skin aging. New antioxidants are appearing in the world of skin care every year. Natural antioxidants can decrease inflammation, defend against UVA and UVB, repair DNA damage, restore natural skins surface barrier remedy environmental pollution, release skin stress from hectic urban life, promote collagen generation, and improve skin damage recovery [3]. As previously pointed out, antioxidants stop the process of oxidation by neutralizing free radicals. Antioxidants work against free radicals in two ways. The first one is called chain-breaking, which means when the free radical free or gain an electron, a second pair of free radical is formed. The antioxidants can stop this process by deoxidizing the electron. The other way is prevention, which means that antioxidants can prevent oxidation by neutralizing the initial free radicals [4]. Therefore by apply antioxidants skin care products can efficiently control and prevent the free radicals damage. Many hyper-cosmetic company product lots of products which contain effectively antioxidants to defend the skin, help reduce fine line and wrinkles. Antioxidants also promote the structure of collagen, it is well known that collagen is an important component for skin organ. The following review will list a number of natural antioxidants and analyzed their respective antioxidant abilities. A detailed description was given for each antioxidants presented. Analysis of several natural anti-oxidants Lycopene Lycopene is well known one of the most common and potent antioxidants of the carotenoids. The antioxidant activity of lycopene is basing on its purifying the properties of singlet oxygen and peroxyl radicals, which to define induce oxidative damage to nuclear DNA, scavenge free radicals and block visible and UV-light. The research by Ferreira, A.L.A., Salvadori, D.M.F., Nascimento, M.C.M.O., Rocha, N.S., Correa, C.R., Pereira, E.J., Matsubara, L.S., Matsubara, B.B., Ladeira, M.S.P., Tomato-oleoresin supplement prevents doxorubicin-induced cardiac myocyte oxidative DNA damage in rats [5], which indicate that lycopene reduced the risk of different cancers, heart diseases and further more protect cells from free radical damage. The journal also showed lycopene especially effective in the tissues with high fat and lipid content. Another study by Centre for Food at Virginia Tech [6] present that it significantly deduces the risk of prostate cancer. Therefore, lycopene is apparently effective in the tissues with high fat and lipid content. The skin is a lipid rich organ, so that in theory it means the high power antioxidant activity of lycopene also apply to skin. Another function of lycopene is block the UV-light, although the SPF of lycopene is around 3, which is not enough for outdoor activity expose at the direct sun, but it is good enough for the indoor life, especially for some people do not like to use sunscreen. As we discussed before, one of the main reason causing skin aging is exposure the skin under the sun without any protection. Lycopene, which delivered from tomato, duo to the difficulty of abstract processing and skin care product which contains lycopene is difficult to find. Based on my research, lycopene is a main ingredient for KIEHLS lycopene  Facial  Moisturizing  Lotion  with  Tomatoes,  Beta-Carotene  and  Vitamin  E. According to the product description, it can be moisturizing the skin, reduce the level of damage free radicals on skin, help increase the skin elasticity and protect skin from the UV-light [7]. Vitamin E Several studies demonstrated vitamin Es ability to neutralize lipid peroxidation and unsaturated membrane lipids because of its oxygen scavenging effect [8]. Vitamin E has shown to reduce the aging of skin caused by ultraviolet light radiation (UVA) [9] and prevent cell damage from free radicals. Vitamin E is broadly useful for many occasions, such as sun protection, sun burn treatment, skin diseases treatment, scar treatment, skin cancer, etc. Vitamin E is mainly represented as vegetable oils from sunflower seed, olive, palm, corn, almonds, etc. Vitamin E protects the skin structures from oxidative damage and preventing the radiation of lipid peroxidation, duo to the powerful antioxidant activity, it plays a protective role in many organs [10]. Actually, Vitamin E has been became an essential part of skin care products. It helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. And the free radicals of vitamin E were played a role in anti-aging and the antioxidant activity is useful for the skin problem [11]. Based on my research from The Body Shop, Vitamin E is the most important ingredient for The Body Shop Vitamin E Eye Cream. According to the product description, this eye cream protects delicate skin around eye area; reduce the appearance of fine lines; puffiness and dark circles [12]. Green Tea Recently, due to the widely use of polysaccharides and their conjugates in the food industry and in medicine. There are three fractions of water-soluble polysaccharides conjugate purify from low grade green tea, which are TPC-1, TPC-2 and TPC-3, and those are the main bioactive components of green tea. Protein, sugars and uronic acid were found in components of tea polysaccharide. The antioxidant activities were also found in tea polysaccharide. From fig. 1, selected three components of tea polysaccharide conjugates were tested. The ability of scavenge hydroxyl radicals were found in all three polysaccharide fractions. The fig.2 and fig.3 show that the Concentration and the scavenging effects are direct proportion. The results of molecular weight (MW) and molecular size (MN) from tea polysaccharide conjugates showed in fig.6. The molecular weights of TPC-1, TPC-2 and TPC-3 were 268.000, 118.000 and 42.000. The MW/MN value of TPC-1 was close to 1, it is more homogeneous. Natural polysaccharides may not been found directly from plants or animals, but it often comes with protein lipids and nucleic acids. The antioxidant activities of the polysaccharide-protein conjugates are direct proportion to the protein content percentage. The properties and bioactivities of polysaccharides might affected by protein. Studies on the antioxidant activities of different fractions of green tea polysaccharide conjugates have shown that the protein content and molecular weight of the tea polysaccharide conjugates played an important role in antioxidant activity. Antioxidant activity can be enhanced by lower molecular weight and higher protein content [15]. Based on my research, green tea extract is the major ingredient for H2O+ Green Tea Reviving Eye Cream. According to the product description, this eye cream is able to promote skin recovery, inhibit environmental free-radical damage and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles [16]. Chinese herbs- lithospermum erythrorhizon A great number of natural antioxidant medicinal plants have been tested for their antioxidant attributes, the results have shown that raw extracts or isolated pure compounds from them were more effective antioxidants [17]. Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb. Et Zucc. (LE) has been used a long time as medicine in China and as a dye for staining fabrics and food colorants [18]. It possesses a wide spectrum of wound healing, anti-tumor, anti-fungus, anti-HIV and contraceptive biological activities [19]. The anti-oxidant activity of the compounds from lithospermum erythrorhizon and compare their antioxidant effect through reducing power, tested with a rancimat and radical scavenging activity. There are seven isolated compounds, deoxyshikonin(compound 1), ÃŽÂ ²,ÃŽÂ ²-dimethylacrylshikonin(compound 2), isobutylshikonin(compound 3), shikonin(compound 4), 5, 8-dihydroxy-2-(1-methoxy-4-methyl-3-pentenyl)-1, 4-naphthalenedione(compound 5), ÃŽÂ ²-sitosterol(compound 6) and a mixture of two caffeic acid esters(compound 7). The antioxidant activities were compared and evaluated through Rancimat method. This method detects the increase of electrical conductivity caused by the formation of volatile dicarboxylic acids which occurs during lipid oxidation processes [20]. From fig.7, the isolate compounds from lithospermum erythrorhizon show different effects on oxidation. Reducing the capacity of a compound may serve as a significant indicator of its potential antioxidant activity [22]. Ro determine the reducing power of the compound is isolated from lithospermum erythrorhizon to estimate the anti-oxidant potentials. And also from fig. 6, the test sample was using the potassium ferricyanide reduction method which shows that the antioxidant activities of the compounds was reduced and also reduce the oxidized intermediates of lipid peroxidation processes. The study by Chen, H., Zhang, M., Qu, Z., Xie, B., suggests that the traditional Chinese medicinal herb could be considered as reliable natural antioxidants for food, and also apply for anti-aging skin care products. Ginseng Ginseng is often used in East Asian counties as a traditional drug. There are three types of ginseng in the world, which are Asian ginseng, America ginseng and Siberian ginseng. Asian ginseng known as Panax ginseng, also called red ginseng; America ginseng known as Panax quinquefolius, also called white ginseng; and Siberian ginseng is normally considered a herbal medicine rather than ginseng, because of they do not contains the active ingredient of ginsenosides. The root of ginseng is the source of ginseng extract, which is rich in antioxidants. According to the dermatology researchers from Seoul National University published a study in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2009 which examined the effect of red ginseng on the facial skin 82 women over 40 years of age. The study presented that red ginseng significantly increased the production of collagen and reduced facial wrinkles [24]. In January 2009, another experiment was performed that in order to determine red ginseng can effectively prevent ultraviolet B on facial skin, loss of elasticity, thickening of the skin and wrinkle formation in the same variety of hairless mice. This experiment also clearly showed that when directly applied to skin, ginseng could improve the collagen production of skin and the inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase expression in dermal fibroblasts [25]. Recently, ginseng is widely used for skin problems, too. Ginseng is considered a natural skin care product for toning and helps improve the skin texture by preventing the formation of wrinkles. Duo to the efficiency on the skin, it can be used in skin care creams, lotions, toners, etc [26]. Based on my research, ginseng root extract is one of the most efficiency ingredients for Sisley Emulsion Ecological Compound [27]. This face lotion is a well- known rewarded product by using ginseng. The detail of ingredient was found in Sisley Shoppe from House of Fraser. According the product description, this compound help skin fight environmental stresses, such as pollution, cigarette smoke, UV rays; restore improved tone and reduce the appearance of fine lines [28]. Acai berry Acai berry is a rising antioxidant and the most popular one lately. More and more skin Care Company and health care company choose this antioxidant to produce product line. First of all, acai berry was found from the acai palm tree origin from Brazil. But more acai palm tree was plant in Central America and South America. Acai berry is one of the highest amounts antioxidants of any fruit, which contains at least 33 known antioxidants, it has almost 2 times the antioxidants of blueberries, and also rich in omega 3, 6 9, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, phytosterols and phytonutrients. First of all, the high amount antioxidants which help to prevent the damage to skin caused by UVA and UVB, neutralize damage free radical in order to slow the skin aging process, which is able to smooth face line and wrinkles. The ability to fight free radicals which make acai a potential skin care intergradient, especially use for repairing fine lines and visible wrinkles and skin damage caused by environmental. And then Omega 3, 6 9 can help moisturize skin which is also an important factor to prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Furthermore, they also play an important role in various skin structures. In addition, the phytosterols in acai berries keep skin intact and prevent premature wrinkles. It has also been noted that phytosterols could prevent premature skin cell death [29]. Last but not least, silicon is also an important ingredient of acai, which can help skin improve the content of collagen in the skin. Collagen known as an important component for skin elasticity and strength, the more collagen in the skin, the less fine lines and wrinkles will appear on the skin. Thats also an important factor why acai is much better anti-aging ingredient than others. Based on my research, I found out recently Kiehls supply a new line which called the Acai Damaging-Repairing Collection, which the main integrant is Acai berries. According to the chemists at Kiehls tests found that 88% of women felt a natural tightening effect in their skin and 84% of women said their skin appeared brighter. And the product descript that the collection to repair the effects of visible damage to skins tone, texture and elasticity caused by environmental oxidation, sun exposure and other external skin stressors [30]. Amaranthus and Chenopodium Quinoa Amaranthus is widely grown in Latin America, Africa, and Asia due to the pseudocereals resistance to drought, hot climate, pests, and low demand for cultivation inputs [31]. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), another pseudocereal from the Andean origin, is extensively cultivated at mountain altitudes in Peru and Bolivia [32]. To determine the total phenolices content and the antioxidant properties of those two plant materials, the correlation between total phenolic content and antioxidant activities. The research by Nsimba, R.Y., Kikuzaku, H., Konishi, Y., Antioxidant activity if various extracts and fractions of Chenopodium quinoa and Amaranthus spp. Seed give a direction for the search of antioxidant compound into the plant materials. Quinoa and three varieties of Amaranthus seeds are powerful dietary antioxidants. Generally speaking, various extracts and fractions from these plants provided a range of different antioxidants which demonstrated considerable free radical scavenging capabilities. [32]. Based on my research, Amaranthus is an important ingredient found in NUXE Crà ¨me Nirvanesque First Expression Lines Cream. According to the product description, this face crà ¨me can significantly reduce fine lines and wrinkles [33]. Coenzyme Q10 Coenzyme Q10 is known as a fat-soluble natural antioxidant for treat and speed up the process of recovery of a heart patients, obvious duo to the high amount antioxidant. Coenzyme Q10 can effectively defend free radicals and other damage molecule. Therefore, coenzyme Q10 antioxidants can prevent signs of skin aging. As previous discussed, photoaging is caused by sunlight and contribute to the appearance of fines lines and wrinkles. Research conducted by Paul Gerson Unna Research Centre, Beiersdorf AG, Hamburg, Germany, have demonstrated Coenzyme 10s beneficial effect of preventing photoaging. Through the measurement of weak photon emission, they proved that Coenzyme Q10 could penetrate the viable layers of the epidermis and reduce the level of oxidation . A reduction in wrinkle depth has also been observed following Coenzyme Q10 applications [34]. The Research Centre determined that Coenzyme Q10 had the ability to effectively defend against UVA and mediated oxidative stress in human keratinocytes in terms of thiol depletion, activation of specific phosphotyrosine kinases and prevention of oxidative DNA damage [35]. Furthermore, Coenzyme Q10 also controls the collagenase in human dermal fibroblasts and prevents the UVA irradiation. To sum up, all the results and data indicate that Coenzyme Q10 ca n effective prevent the damage of photoaging. In the following part, Coenzyme Q10 will be analyzed. Coenzyme Q10 has an unpaired electron which is formed with another unpaired electron of free radical, to eliminate the damage of free radicals. Coenzyme Q10 presented as antioxidants and interacted with superoxide dismutase will result in increased protection from free radical damage [36]. Although Coenzyme Q10 is powerful antioxidants and prevents the free radical oxidation, it is not a panacea. Recently the scientists discovery that Coenzyme Q10 can slow down the process of skin aging. After a long time Coenzyme Q10 was used as nutritional supplement, a new ingredient for anti-aging skin care product, in 1998 Paul Gerson Unna of the skin research center has showed that the potential of Coenzyme Q10 was a multiple applications ingredient and confirmed that it could slow down tissue damage by neutralize the free radical damage. The report from Briersdorf Lab for Nivea ( first cosmetic company to well anti-aging skin care products with Coenzyme Q10) , they indicated that after six weeks of daily treatment of Coenzyme Q10 on crows feet, wrinkle depth both reduced by 27%; after ten weeks, fine lines and wrinkles reduced 43%. Based on my research from Boots, Eucerin has a almost all major cosmetic company from Japan have a product line for Coenzyme Q10. Conclusion In conclusion, this review has shown that many natural antioxidants apply to some popular anti-aging skin care products in the market. It was shown that natural antioxidants are effective ingredients for anti-aging skin care products since antioxidants can nullify the damage of free radicals. The neutralization of free radicals can prevent the skin aging process, which proves that skin care product contains antioxidants can actually prevent and slow down the process of skin aging. Several antioxidants and antioxidant plants have been chosen for analysis, namely lycopene, vitamin E, green tea, lithospermum erythrorhizon, ginseng, acai berry, Amaranthus and Chenopodium Quinoa. These antioxidants are highly effectiveaccording to previously established experimental data. Nowadays, Vitamin E has been became an essential part of skin care products. Vitamin E protects the skin structures from oxidative damage and preventing the radiation of lipid peroxidation, it also helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It has great potential in anti-aging and treatment for skin problem with antioxidant activity. In previous studies, it was found that the protein content and molecular weight of tea polysaccharide conjugates are important factors that affects antioxidant activity. Chinese herbs in widely used in East Asain medicine, The anti-oxidant activity of the compounds from lithospermum erythrorhizon and compare their antioxidant effect through reducing power, tested with a rancimat and radical scavenging activity. It showed that the traditional Chinese medicinal herb could be considered as reliable natural antioxidants for food, which also could apply for anti-aging skin care. Ginseng is often used in East Asian counties as a traditional drug, the root of ginseng is the source of ginseng extract, which is rich in antioxidants. A study from Seoul National University showed the red ginseng significantly reduced facial wrinkles, it also considered as a natural skin care products for toning and helps improve the skin texture Acai berry as a antioxidant, it has the highest amounts of antioxidant than any other fruits, it help to prevent the damage to skin caused by UVA and UVB, the Omega 3, 6 9 from acai berry can help moisturize skin which also an important factor to prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkle. Finally, the antioxidant properties of aforementioned plants showed that they could have great applications in anti-aging and skin care. With further research, it is highly possible to even better utilize these antioxidant properties in the formulation of more advanced anti-aging products. Self assessment I believe that I have done quite a good work. I have always interested in skin care region and very enjoyed doing research and learning more about the natural antioxidants. I have done a lot research in store or online, so that I have learned some basic intergradient of the skin care products. At the beginning, it is very hard to choose variety natural antioxidant duos to there are too many natural antioxidants in the world. After some research in the store and Shoppe, I picked some ingredient from popular anti-aging products. I am pleased with the structure and the whole report. I listed and analyzed the integrants I chose. Natural antioxidant was a broad subject which can apply in many areas. I finished early so that I could check with my spelling and grammars which I considered this might be my weakness. And I could also proof read and make some more effort during the final week. And my most weaknesses which is there are not a lot journals directly link to the anti-aging skin care area, so that I had to do some research online, which it might not be enough. But it has been draw out that how anti-oxidant applies to anti-aging skin care area.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Crawling Inside the Mind of Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- GCSE Coursew

Crawling Inside the Mind of Hamlet  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Much of the dramatic action of Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet is within the head of the main character, Hamlet.  Ã‚   His wordplay represents the amazing, contradictory, unsettled, mocking, nature of his mind, as it is torn by disappointment and positive love, as Hamlet seeks both acceptance and punishment, action and stillness, and wishes for consummation and annihilation. He can be abruptly silent or vicious; he is capable of wild laughter and tears, and also polite badinage. One of the first things which a reader learns about Hamlet is that he uses words with startling agility. He plays on words that sound alike, or nearly alike: King. But now, my cousin Hamlet, and my son-- Ham. A little more than kin, and less than kind. King. How is it that the clouds still hang on you? Ham. Not so, my lord; I am too much in the sun. (I.ii.64-67) The king withdraws from this exchange, and his mother begins more lovingly, on a different tack. But still Hamlet takes words that others have used and returns them changed or challenged: â€Å"Ay, madam, it is common./. . . Seems, madam? Nay, it is. I know not 'seems'† (I.ii.74-76).   Although the prince is speaking in public, he uses verbal rhetorical devices most critics in Shakespeare's day would consider unseemly. Hamlet's first words are rhetorically complicated, and also challenging and puzzling. Does he pretend to be flippant or boorish in order to keep his thoughts to himself, or to contain his pain? Or does he express rational criticism in savagely sarcastic comments spoken only to himself? Or is the energy of his mind such that he thinks and speaks with instinctive ambiguity? Words are restless within his mind, changing meaning, sh... ...espeare, William. 1985. Hamlet. The New Cambridge Shakespeare edn, edited by Philip Edwards. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Vickers, Brian. 1993. Appropriating Shakespeare: Contemporary Critical Quarrels. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. Watson, Robert N. 1990. 'Giving up the Ghost in a World of Decay: Hamlet, Revenge and Denial.' Renaissance Drama 21:199-223. Wright, George T. 1981. 'Hendiadys and Hamlet.' PMLA 96:168-193. Shakespeare, William. The Tradegy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark.   New York: Washington Square Press, 1992 Weiten, Wayne. Psychology: Themes and Variations, Fourth Editon. Boston: Brooks/Cole Publishing Co., 1998 Watson, Robert N. 1990. 'Giving up the Ghost in a World of Decay: Hamlet, Revenge and Denial.' Renaissance Drama 21:199-223. Wright, George T. 1981. 'Hendiadys and Hamlet.' PMLA 96:168-193.

Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown †The Theme :: Young Goodman Brown YGB

â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† – the Theme  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚   Clarice Swisher in â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne: a Biography† states: †When Hawthorne called his stories ‘romances,’ he meant that they belong within the romantic movement that . . . . emphasize imagination and personal freedom† (18). It is the purpose of this essay to interpret the theme of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† and determine where this â€Å"personal freedom† leads.    Edmund Fuller and B. Jo Kinnick in â€Å"Stories Derived from New England Living† state: â€Å"’Young Goodman Brown’ uses the background of witchcraft to explore uncertainties of belief that trouble a man’s heart and mind† (31). It is on that one night of the year when witches have their coven in the deepest woods that the young husbandman, Goodman Brown, takes leave of his wife, Faith: â€Å"YOUNG GOODMAN BROWN came forth at sunset, into the street of Salem village, but put his head back, after crossing the threshold, to exchange a parting kiss with his young wife.† The reader receives a premonition of the impending evil intrigue with Faith’s staement of her foreboding, troublesome dreams:    "Dearest heart," whispered she, softly and rather sadly, when her lips were close to his ear, "pr'ythee, put off your journey until sunrise, and sleep in your own bed tonight. A lone woman is troubled with such dreams and such thoughts, that she's afeard of herself, sometimes. Pray, tarry with me this night, dear husband, of all nights in the year!"    Regarding the theme, the clues increase when Goodman, having left his wife, Faith, all alone and melancholy, enters the woods and encounters a sinister type with whom he has previously made an appointment for this particular evening:    As nearly as could be discerned, the second traveller . . . had an indescribable air of one who knew the world, and would not have felt abashed at the governor's dinner-table, or in King William's court, were it possible that his affairs should call him thither. But the only thing about him, that could be fixed upon as remarkable, was his staff, which bore the likeness of a great black snake, so curiously wrought, that it might almost be seen to twist and wriggle itself like a living serpent. This, of course, must have been an ocular deception, assisted by the uncertain light.    The evil nature of this individual is made manifest, and thus evil enters the story in a significant way.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Cold Embrace Essay -- Creative Writing Essays

The Cold Embrace The night in the city was going to be especially cold tonight. The sky had been overcast for almost the entire day, leading to a brief although torrential downpour in the mid-afternoon. The streets of the Bronx outside the third-story apartment window that Leonard Jefferson Bennings now looked out were saturated from the July rainstorm and shone with a glimmer he remembered seeing from his bedroom window in Massachusetts many years ago. He wondered if he would ever get to see his childhood home again, and, if he did, would the world of his youth still exist even there? Like the final beams of sunlight of the day, his hope was growing faint as he looked out on what had once been the metropolitan heart of his country. Leonard turned away from the window, looking back into his temporary residence. It was a simple apartment, three rooms, furnished with trappings of a world that now existed only in memory. Strewn about the living room were such memorabilia as a 1946 Bing Crosby Christmas album, a chess set that looked to be a family heirloom, an assortment of furniture and coffee tables, and a 1939 globe, showing the way the world had looked in simpler times. Leonard could easily identify each country on the globe, a skill greatly useful to a high school geography teacher, and could just as easily identify how few of those countries still existed. South America was still correct north of Brazil, and most of North America was still as the sphere portrayed it. Europe, Asia, and Africa, however, would require the globe to be completely redone. Leonard had studied the globe many times in his short stay in this house, and it never failed to bring him almost to tears. From the couch on the wall far... ...ump. And then, the infinite fall, broken only by the cold embrace of the Atlantic. Nineteen minutes since they had left the ammunition room. Leonard floated alone in the water. The other sister had been hit in the shoulder during the jump and had sunk when she hit the water. He was sure he had heard a small explosion on the deck as he fell; Christina was dead, as was everyone else by now. Leonard would join them soon. He could do little more than float with the wound in his side. If the explosion happened, he would be too close to escape. If it didn't, he would drown when he got too tired to float. He looked up at the ship one last time. As he did, a pillar of fire erupted out of it. In the light it cast, he could see the sky had cleared. The morning would have sunlight. He took one last, gasping breath, and sank beneath the waves forever.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Canturbury Tales: Situational Irony in the Pardoner’s Story

Situational Irony in The Pardoner’s Story In The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer the Pardoner’s actions of dishonesty and greed are prime examples of situational irony. Situational irony is when something or someone does the opposite of what is expected. ‘In church he was a noble ecclesiast’ (Chaucer 141) The Pardoner is supposedly a man of God, yet he does not act like it. He is disrespectful and even dishonest. However, he comes off as righteous by telling biblical stories and preaching. By being hypocritical and greedy the Pardoner is the perfect example of situational irony. To begin, the Pardoner shows situational irony by being dishonest. He steals from the church constantly. ‘†¦with others I have power to win them from it, I can bring them to repent†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Chaucer 151) Basically, he acts as a salesman by talking people into buying more pardons, and then keeps the money for himself. He uses his talent of thinking on his feet and coming up with great biblical stories to earn money, ‘A yokel mind loves stories of old, being the kind it can repeat and hold†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Chaucer 152) He convinces people the things they have done are worse than they are, therefore they are conned into giving him more money, which he keeps all for himself. As ironic as it is to see the Pardoner be dishonest, it is even more ironic how greedy is. Like mentioned before he makes his living off of selling pardons, even pardons against avarice, yet he is very greedy himself. He admits he’ll go after anyone for money. ‘I mean to have money†¦though it were given to me by the poorest lad†¦ ’ (Chaucer 152) He admits to preaching only because he wants money saying, ‘A livelihood. I do not preach in vain†¦I mean to have money†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Chaucer 152) It is also very apparent that the Pardoner is greedy enough to steal from the collection baskets in church, ‘But best of all he sang an Offertory†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Chaucer 141) This implies he takes the money from there as well. In conclusion, the Pardoner in The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer is a living example of situational irony. He is dishonest and greedy. Instead of doing his duties to the church and helping others with sins, he takes advantage of peoples’ guilt and pockets the money. He does not care about the church and even admits to not liking work, ‘†¦Let me preach and beg from kirk to kirk and never do an honest job of work†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Chaucer 152) This just sums up the situational irony of the Pardoner. He appears to be a man of God helping people absolve there sins, but ironically he is dishonest and greedy.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

East Coast vs. West Coast Essay

Through bulge turn up the nineties there was an feces in hip hop, the infamous due east sliding board stroke vs west coast amid rap medicationians. It was a separational case that evidenced around(prenominal) sides to end the put ups of two to the luxuriouslyest degree(prenominal) influential doorknockers in the harmony exertion, nonorious B.I.G and Tupac Shakur. both depreciators with kindred backgrounds find changed the practice of medicine scene completely with sensation sharp movement. Known mainly for their rivalry against cardinal an separate(prenominal) and compared be apparent motion of the backgrounds, these two mechanic had sort of a distinctiveness to genius another. ill-famed B.I.G and Tupac Shakur are salient influential artist in the practice of medicine industry and had correspondent backgrounds merely distinctive enough to cause a separation that act upond the unison industry then and now. I had watched a documentary, found off o f the infamous tits and their start up in the music industry, titled Tupac and Biggie where I got information on twain sides. To baffle with both(prenominal) rappers had similar upbringing for instance, were innate(p) in the state of New York, Tupac in Harlem and Biggie in Brooklyn. However, Tupac did move around maturation up to Balti more, Maryland in 1984 and unconstipatedtually to Oakland, California in 1988 by the climb on of 17.Biggie had more of an interesting beginning, un analogous his in short to be rival, he had been embossed by a single mother who was a teacher and had lived in a 3 bedroom apartment, not how he claimed on his song Juice as a unitary-room shack. Meandarn, Tupac was excessively raised by a single mother, however had been a part of the anti-government group the Black painter Party, which would later be a stand to his rap verses on governmental stans. worry most rappers they both would puddle a rough upbringing, and Biggie would start drug d ealing at the age of 14 to attend to support his family, till discovered musically. interestingly enough, Tupac had an interest in acting and go to performing art schools and create his fretfulness for poetry, turned later to rap rhymes. Tupac was the felicitous superstar, and was able to join a music group to stand by his career while Biggie had to perform out in the streets, as the footage shows. Also, in the video, they discuss how both rappers dropped out of high school around the same(p) age, 17,and both to pursue their music passions and help support the family they had. The upcoming of both rappers would influence each on their music that would read an tinct on the pull in charts. Musically, both rappers had distinctive sounds, Biggie was known to have a cleanse flow and hearty produced daily round thatwas more Top 40, while Tupac had a greater influence on songfulness because of his deep passion for poetry and political stans.Tupac was well known to speak his musical theme explicitly and rhymed around topics such(prenominal) as, women rights, african american discrimination, and police injustice. Something most seem to forget is that Biggie used to have open shows for Tupac before the notorious rapper would have his own high fame, this also showed that both rappers had a great companionship before a great divergence The documentary shows rare footage of the two gorgerin after Biggies first present album release and great success. The two were love by audiences and fans only if had showed within the top charts end-to-end the nineties. On ratings Biggie was in the tame with fewer singles that reached higher descry on the charts. Meanwhile, Tupac delivered over 15 singles, and not as legion(predicate) reaching high spots as Biggie had with only 10 singles. Although, both lyrically did have similar writing, rapping just about poor upbringings, whether it was an alter ego for Biggie or reality for Tupac, fans wanted more of this profound explicit music. Undoubtedly the two are compared to see which was better, personally cannot jurist which was better because of the differences they had on their music, biggie flowed, but tupac spoke. another(prenominal) great influence these both rappers had for their music and personal lives, was the cliques they surrounded themselves with throughout their high extremums in fame and fortune.The engage talks about how Tupac joined a musical rap group when he had moved to California, digital Underground, but later had g sensation only and joined the record familiarity, Death course Records. Meanwhile Biggie was signed onto Bad male child Records, and he had been signed onto the record company by another famous rapper Diddy. Tupac was around some people however, one of his many a(prenominal) allegiances was Suge nickname. Suge Knight is an fo on a lower floor of the record company Tupac had been signed onto and was often seen with Tupac by the media in photographs a nd video footage. Throughout the film the audience is drawn towards the conclusion that Suge Knight was involved in both deaths of Tupac and Biggie. Aswell as Suge Knight, Diddy was also involved in the murders of both musicians, as the film goes on. The death of both rappers were similar but divers(prenominal) from one another. The argufy between the rappers had started because of Suge Knight and Diddy, creating the West sliding board vs East Coast dispute in the Hip Hop biotic community. This great dispute would have each Coast of rappers defensive over the side they were representing, and cause a hugerivalry between all(prenominal)one. From rap group NWA to rappers such as, betray Dogg and Nas, everyone in the Hip Hop orb took a side.After releasing a record titled Who Shot Ya? Tupac was under the impression Biggie had been set out to toss off him after a robbery at his home that nearly ended his breeding with the theifs holding him at gunpoint one night. This would add fuel to the burning flack that they were trying to burn out caused by the record company executives, Suge and Diddy. After one diss record after another the two rappers, Biggie and Tupac seemed to enjoy the drama but were on high alert for one another. However in the end, Tupac was solidus and killed in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 13, 1996, he had been kicked out and forced to leave a gambling casino one night after a brawl. Less than a year later, Biggie was shot and killed on March 9, 1997 in Los Angeles, California. Biggie had left(a) a recording studio in Los Angeles, and when outside was shot in his vehicle. both(prenominal) rappers had a big influence on the music industry, however the fans were left with legends kaput(p) too soon. More importantly the deaths of the rappers were a huge impact on the community they each had represented.In Brooklyn, during the funeral of the Notorious B.I.G. many fans of the community were outside in the streets video display their res pect that the rapper had meritd. In the film you see footage of the funeral with hundreds of fans onlooking the hearse carrying his body throughout the streets of Brooklyn that he had onced hussled to make a living. At one point of the funeral footage, you can see fans playacting one of his hit singles and bound to the rap song, showing that no matter if dead or alive, the rapper would live on and have respect in the community and be played. However on the other Coast, only close friends of Tupac tended to(p) his funeral take down though there were many candle lighting ceremonies for the rapper from fans. Tupac was cremated and his ashes were spreaded into the oceanic in the West Coast, as well as a few of his positron emission tomography things such as, Hennessy liquor, cigarettes, cds and fortunate chains. The legacy of each rapper was contrastive from one another, Tupac spoke for African American men that had been mistreated by the weakened justice system, and also tow ards women, and the respect they should deserve from men. The Notorious B.I.G. left his community with end on being able to watch no matter where you came from and gave hope to many.Both of the rappers left an impact on the music industry and had different legacies for their community and fans.Without a doubt, both rappers have had influenced many unexampled day rappers that are or arent in the industry today. The documentary shows different musicians, some that are not even in the rap genre, talking about how each rapper left an impact on their lives, A famous rapper by the name of 50 centime says in the film, that there was not sack to be another rapper like Tupac and that there was not going to be another rapper like Biggie. some artist now pay court of justice to both rappers to show respect on the struggle Hip Hop has had in being accepted. Now a years rappers have showed respect in many ways such as prominent shout outs on songs to the rappers or ensample beats from past hits of the late rappers, to even having holograms of the artist at live shows. other sign of respect to the artist is that their music goes on, even after being gone, unreleased music of both rappers rises to the public every now and then to remember the old age the rappers held the crown.Biggie has released three albums since his death and Tupac five, music that was intend to be released at a point but after the misfortunate deaths was never completely finished. With posthumous albums being released it gives dream for musicians to get more of a better understanding of the rappers and pass techniques used by the rappers. The distinctiveness in each rappers get to of music, left an influential aspiration for other musicians in the industry, Biggie had a better rhythm with his rhymes and Tupac was open to talk about companionable issues going on. In the end, both rappers were raised differently and had different backgrounds that influenced their work. Yet throughout their ca reers the similarities of the rappers was visible and the distinctiveness caused a barrier in their friendship. Leading to a dominating movement in music history, but also the the deaths of both rappers. Tupac and Biggie are some of the greatest influentials of rap music and have caused similar aspirations for other artist.Works CitedBiggie and Tupac. Dir. break away Broomfeild. Perf. The Notorious B.I.G., Tupac Shakur, Nick Broomfeild. FilmFour, 2002. DVD.